Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Thank you to all our friends and family who made purchases through our business in April and May!
The Youth Group's trip to camp at Glorietta, New Mexico is paid in full!  Thanks to our efforts as well as some private donors and other fundraising efforts.  Every teen that wanted to go will be able to experience this life-changing trip.  THANK YOU!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Update: Kids and Camp

Taylor and I have decided to extend our youth group fund-raising efforts through the month of May.   We decided to make it personal and set a real goal that is attainable through our friends, family and networks.
We "adopted" Liz, Jess, and Tyler Benner to help them finish raising their camp money. (Jess and Liz are sisters and Tyler is their cousin).  Together they need $627 to send them to camp.  Beyond their need, around 10 other youth groupers need help raising funds. 

You can read a little more about them in their profiles below:
(My lovely scanner was uncooperative, so I had to take pics of the hard copies...sorry for the "cut and paste" effect!)
One of the biggest blessings of our business is the opportunity to help others live their dreams!  In raising money for the youth, they will have the chance to see the face of God in the beauty of his creation at Glorietta, NM...the ability to find Jesus in the teachings and support from the staff and their youth Pastor...and the blessing of feeling the presence of the Holy Spirit where so many have gathered for the cause of spreading the Good News!

How you can help:

Stop by and shop at our website:
 100% of our profits in April and May will benefit the above teens and the FSBC-PV youth group.

we are a highly networked know what to do:)
the youth group is also able to accept donations given directly to the church, e-mail for details.

Might I suggest a few items:

Replace what you are already buying at the grocery store and donate a few $$ here and there:

LOC(Liquid Organic Concentrate...GREEN since 1959)
Cost is less than $6.  

Cost is $22.49 (donation is almost $8)

Purchase one of these to donate over $200!!
 eSpring Water Purifier

All of our products carry a 180-day satisfaction guarantee and free-shipping on qualified orders over $75. We have access to 1000's of products as well as partnerships with stores like Best Buy, Sears, Bass Pro Shops, ect.  (Partner store purchases do not result in profit for Whitt Matters, but we will donate an additional $5 per purchase made at any partner store.)

If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to contact Taylor or Katie in any of the following ways:

By phone:
Taylor 480.323.6920

Katie  480.794.0198

By E-mail:


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sending the Youth Group to Camp!

Hello, friends!

We are excited to announce our new website AND a promotion to help send the youth group from our church to camp:)

During March and April, 100% of the profits from our website will be donated to the fund to send the kids to MissionFuge (a missions-focused summer camp).  We are hoping to be a part of raising the $5000+ they are short for this summer's group.  The kids have also taken part in many other fundraisers....including hiring themselves out to do various odd-jobs (landscaping, mostly).  Our products include many household items you already use as well as presitge skin care, vitamins and organic cleaning products.

Check us out and tell us what you think!

Free Shipping on qualifying orders over $75.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Why unpack if the clothes are clean?

We've been back from MI for almost a week now...
The suitcases are still in the living room (packed with clean clothes) and we've yet to do a real grocery store trip, but it has been a busy week of cleaning!

I started in our bedroom in hopes of making room for Taylor's clothes in our closet...hmmmm
I was able to donate about 6 bags of clothes to Goodwill and our church, as yet Taylor hasn't sacrificed any clothes to help with the space shortage.  Seems a bit lopsided if you ask me!  However, we are mightly blessed and definitely have more than we need.

My next project will be our home office.  Things got a little crazy in there while Taylor was in CA...I'll admit it was sort of my dumping grounds.  I didn't file papers and receipts as I normally do and as a result, they have formed heaping piles!  We also seem to have lots and lots of books laying around...might need to pick up a new bookcase soon.  After the office, I intend to tackle the hall closet which houses a mixture of samples and full size Artistry products, assorted crafty-type items, games, half of a Pier 1 store, and our entire VHS (yes, still) collection...Those might be checking out the local goodwill store tomorrow!

All of these projects are leading up to a whirlwind of expected out-of-town guests this spring:
Feb 27th-Mar 6th: Aunt Sherri and Uncle Ted
Mar 6th- Mar 13th: Grand Valley Girls Golf (my sister's team)= MOM:)
May:  NATIONALS for GVSU= Mom AND Dad, Grandma and Grandpa and perhaps some aunts?

Can't wait to host them all....I think I might be seeing the Grand Canyon one more time in a week or so:)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

quick thoughts on my way to pack

The house is a wreck, but Taylor is home!
SOOO happy!
Leaving tomorrow today for Baltimore until Sunday night when I will go to Michigan to visit family and friends.  Taylor will join me a few days later and we will vacation together:)

I'm proud to report the Christmas tree and decorations finally went away last night.  yay me!
I was terrified I'd run out of time and return from vacation in the middle of February with the Christmas tree still staring me in the face.  YIKES!  now, time to go and pack...i hope i have enough warm clothes....